First Elder
Barbara serves our community as Head Elder. She has been a member of our church since the early 2000s, and was born and raised in Washington State, becoming an Adventist in junior high school. She is a retired nurse and has over 30 years of experience in caring for people as a senior hospital executive, opening five hospitals while in leadership roles. Now, she serves on our Evangelism Committee, Health Ministry Team, and Finance Committee. Barbara is passionate about evangelism, enjoys hosting Revelation and wellness seminars, and loves getting to study the Bible with people one-on-one. She enjoys sailing, fishing, biking, has an affinity for water activities, and spending time with her cats.
back to team membersSabbath School 9:15AM -10:30AM
Worship Service 11:00AM - 12:30PM
29702 Kensington Dr. Laguna Niguel, CA 92677
(949) - 495 - 0311
church Office Hours